
The NYT Wrote An Article About Me. They Lied.

I woke this morning to find I’d been written up in the New York Times! How exciting!

Of course I already had some inkling this was coming, and I had been warned that the NYT would skew whatever I said to their staff to suit their agenda. Even being prepared for all this, it is still quite stunning to behold, the full breadth of it. Just amazing. For you to fully appreciate it, you really have to review my entire DM history with Nicole Perlroth of the New York Times. Now normally, I would respectfully ask someone before sharing screenshots of a private conversation had over DM, but since I wasn’t afforded any such niceties by Nicole, turnabout is fair play.

Nicole first contacted me at the beginning of April to inquire about the #DNCApp hashtag, formerly the #RobbyMookCaucusApp. Even knowing how the NYT rolls, I was happy to hear from her. As many of you are aware, Adam and I have been trying for months to get the ear of anyone who would pay attention about the nature of coronavirus and the promise of treatments being used abroad and in limited capacity here, namely Vitamin C and ivermectin.  I gladly humored her insane questions about Russian meddling, and gently attempted to turn the conversation to more pressing matters.

She was apparently uninterested, as I never heard from her again. That is, until last week.

Click to expand my DM history with Nicole Perlroth


I was quite surprised to hear back from Nicole on Wednesday, June 10th 2020, two full months after our initial conversation, and disappointed to see that even after all this time, she was still beating at the “Russia did it” dead horse.

I even drafted a thoughtful response to Nicole, but my lawyer, who happens to have extensive experience dealing with the NYT, advised against sending it. “They’ll just twist it to try to make you look bad,” he insisted. Boy was he right!

Click to expand my unsent reply to Nicole Perlroth
Hi Nicole, nice to hear from you again!

I read an NPR article about the DNCApp which touched on security concerns, in which the DNC had assured reporters that it would be fine because the app had been evaluated by the DDD. When I looked into the DDD & saw that Robby Mook had been appointed to it, it appeared self-evident to me that a conflict of interest existed. The last time anything like an app was used to facilitate voting, Microsoft had spent months creating it and the government was involved in the vetting process. To have an app like this developed on the quick and under cover of secrecy with zero outside vetting raises more than eyebrows – it was hair-raising, to me. The more I researched the DNCApp, the more it appeared another DNC scheme to manipulate the outcome of their primary, which, as they have argued in court, is their right to do, as a private organization. That would be fine, I suppose, if more people understood that their primary votes weren’t necessarily going to determine the nominee, but many don’t. I learned that lesson the hard way in 2016 & have sought to spare other hapless and well intentioned people the same indignity. I was never “pushing theories” and I never claimed Mook was behind the DNCApp troubles – because at the time there was no trouble – yet. I think it was two full weeks before the Iowa caucus that I attempted to bring the app and Mook’s apparent involvement to the attention of the electorate – I saw the potential problems coming from miles away just based on what I read. I believe the reason it caught on was because it was readily apparent to anyone who did two minutes of digging that the app was a disaster in the making, and after 2016, especially the Berner community was on high alert for more of the same shenanigans. Turns out our fears were well founded and the bungled deployment of this hastily made app was catastrophic.

You’re asking me if it troubles me at all that an account that may have been Russian allegedly retweeted me? I mean… this would be laughable if it weren’t such a travesty of journalism. I’d remind you that the problems with DNCApp had nothing to do with the public awareness of it – those caucuses would have been a disaster whether or not I had tried to warn people that DNCApp would render those caucuses a disaster. Should I be troubled that a Russian person retweeted me? I don’t know, I had a Chinese person retweet me yesterday, and a Swedish person has retweeted me a few times, and I’m pretty sure I’ve had some Brazilians retweet me as well. Should I be troubled by that? Seems to me that before Democrats decided to scapegoat all of their failures on Russia in 2016, none of this cloak-and-dagger spy-vs-spy Cold War stuff was much of a blip on the radar of the collective consciousness, and people of all nationalities shared the internet rather harmoniously, all things considered. I thought it was considered poor form to discriminate against someone based solely on the happenstance of where they came from, and though that kind of thinking is increasingly outmoded today, I still harbor no Russiaphobic sentiments. Do you know whether it was just some random Russian person that retweeted me, or part of a coordinated paid-speech campaign? Either way, if they helped me get the word out about DNCApp and thus prepared people for the fallout of the failed caucus, I am grateful for their efforts.

As for the domain, I registered covidcandy.com after being frustrated that it seems impossible to talk about the virus that is changing our world, after my husband, Adam, was censored on medium and deboosted on twitter for talking about it – I believe I mentioned this to you the last time we spoke. CovidCandy was a site Adam used to publish publicly available research and news articles with commentary, significantly about ivermectin and vitamin C, as well as some articles of his own. His censored medium articles were also rehosted on the site. We received a notice of termination for a supposed AUP violation from a group called SupportNation – not a company I was aware was involved with my domain registrar or had any claim to my domain. It was seized, according to the notice, for alleged “Public Deception,” gambling and identity theft – none of which we were engaged in on the site. I thought it was a phishing email itself, at first, til I logged in to find that my access to the domain’s DNS had been revoked. This was done without warning or due process. The only domains I’m aware of being seized in this way are gambling sites, hate sites, or websites engaging in illegal activity. The last time I checked, discussing potential treatments and cures was protected speech under the First Amendment. Which makes me wonder, which governing body is the arbiter of acceptable speech online? Do you know?

And speaking of disinformation and the abject failure of journalism, let’s talk about that FDA warning. Did you happen to read it? It seems that there is some confusion about ivermectin – yes, it is used widely in agricultural and veterinary practices, but also has been used in humans since the 1970’s to eradicate everything from river blindness to head lice. The FDA article is clearly warning people against using ivermectin for animals, concerned about people self-medicating with veterinary medication. Obviously, nobody should be self-medicating with their pet’s prescriptions. That is not to say that people shouldn’t ask their doctor about treating their COVID symptoms with ivermectin, however, and five minutes of due diligence on your part may have cleared that up for you.

Any other questions?

Now that you’re up on the backstory, let’s dive into these muddy waters and see if we can #CorrectTheRecord on some of the poorly drawn conclusions of Ms. Perlroth’s Russiaphobic article. Get a load of that headline. And the byline – just – wow.

“A conspiracy theory made in America may have been spread by Russia,” she says.

“The Americans who pushed a conspiracy theory the night of the Iowa caucuses have migrated to coronavirus conspiracies on Twitter, with help from a very Russia-friendly account,” she asserts.

First of all, I wasn’t pushing any conspiracy theories, and I wasn’t even tweeting the #RobbyMookCaucusApp hashtag on the night of the Iowa caucuses. It was nearly a week before the Iowa caucuses that I discovered the troubling revelations about the DNC’s plans to subvert the will of their electorate by supplanting the caucus process with this half-baked app. The Iowa caucuses were held February 3rd, if I recall correctly. My first tweet containing the hashtag in question was January 28.

My last tweet containing the hashtag was January 31, still days before the caucus. You remember Roberta Lange, don’t you? Roberta is the lady who chaired the 2016 Nevada caucus, and who famously ignored the obvious intent of the room to shoehorn Hillary into that glass slipper. You’ll be glad to know that the DNC plans to reward Roberta for her performance in 2016 with her very own Nevada senate seat this November. I was quote-tweeting Roberta here:

But it wasn’t that I quit warning anyone who would listen that the Iowa app was a disaster in the making; my husband just suggested I adopt a better hashtag, and came up with #DNCApp. Shorter, simpler, more to the point, succinct. Robby Mook’s apparent involvement in vetting the app was hardly the only troubling thing about it, and the more I read about it, the more alarm bells went off in my mind. And I wasn’t the only one up in arms about this – the mainstream sources I was reading to learn as much about the app as I could all cited “security experts” being dubious about the efficacy and security of the app.

Take the NPR article that I first found when looking into this (the audio clip is worth a four minute listen, too). This article came out January 15th, with just a couple weeks til the Iowa caucuses were to occur. The absolute disregard for the public interest by disclosing that votes would be tabulated by an app that almost no one had heard of til it was too late for voters to do anything about it is typical of the DNC, but to me this seemed sinister, even for The Epstein Party.

From NPR’s article:



“But security is a priority,” Troy Price said. 🙄

NPR reports that the DNC assures them that the app will be just fine, because “The state party worked with the national party’s cybersecurity team, and with Harvard University’s Defending Digital Democracy project,” but Troy Price “declined to answer directly whether any third party has investigated the app for vulnerabilities, as many cybersecurity experts recommend.” So even NPR notes that the DNC has flouted the advice of cybersecurity experts.

But Harvard’s DDD is on the case, and that sounds good, right?

However, when I looked up Harvard’s DDD, I discovered a glaring conflict of interest. From the write-up on the DDD at Harvard’s own website: “featuring the former campaign managers for Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney, the Defending Digital Democracy (DDD) Project aims to identify and recommend strategies, tools, and technology to protect democratic processes and systems from cyber and information attacks.” 😬

Am I really a conspiracy theorist for connecting the dots here? 🤨

NPR said that the DNC had told them that their cybersecurity team (aka CrowdStrike) and Harvard’s Orwellian “Defending Digital Democracy Project” were the only parties that had tested the app and evaluated it for security flaws. Harvard’s own site proudly states that the DDD has employed Hillary’s campaign strategist, and even solicits students to help Robby Mook in “curating and writing content for social platforms.”

The fact that the DNC’s own PR campaign was to go out two weeks before the caucus announcing the app and trying to convince skeptical cybersecurity experts that the app was in good hands with Harvard’s DDD – and here we have Robby Mook swearing he never even laid eyes on the thing and Harvard’s DDD forswearing any knowledge of the app, should raise more than Russiaphobic eyebrows in my direction. I believe any investigative journalist worth her salt might focus on this gaping discrepancy, rather than cast aspersions on US citizens exercising their first amendment right to participate in the political discourse, but instead we have Nicole Perlroth of the NYT digging deep into whether someone in Russia may have retweeted me a few times five months ago.

Nicole goes on:

Both NPR and CNET repeated the DNC’s claims that the Iowa caucus app had been vetted by Harvard’s DDD, as did half a dozen other mainstream news outlets. But according to Nicole, the problem doesn’t lie with the “journalists” who published this supposedly erroneous information, or the DNC, who, if you believe Robby Mook and the intrepid reporting of Nicole Perlroth, apparently lied to reporters who had quizzed them about the app when the DNC announced it just two weeks before the Iowa caucus. No, the problem lies with a web designer in Arizona who figured this a week out from caucus & tried to warn people about it, as anyone with a conscience would. Oh and with Russia, of course. Gotta tie it all back to Russia somehow to get printed in the NYT these days.

Seriously, “There was no basis for her claims,” uttered without a hint of irony.

The only basis for my claims was Troy Price, the chairman of the Iowa state Democrat party, confidently telling reporters that the DDD was the only party who vetted the app, and reputable news organizations such as NPR and CNET repeating the claim, as they do.

If this was misinformation, perhaps those news outlets should issue a retraction or amendment to their articles, because they’re still up, and you never know when the Russians might use these things to make someone wonder: if the DDD didn’t evaluate the app, did anyone? Was Troy Price lying, or did the DNC lie to him, as well?

If I didn’t know better, I might think Nicole Perlroth of the NYT may have accidentally broken a bit of news here. Maybe some journalist out there could ask the DNC about why they evidently lied to reporters and possibly to their own Iowa Chair about this app having been vetted by Harvard’s DDD. I rather doubt anyone will, though. Much easier to make like 2016 and scapegoat all your misdeeds on Russia.

So now Nicole Perlroth is tracking down anyone who may have retweeted me and publishing their full names. I wonder if Ms. Perlroth offered Anna La Clair the courtesy of asking before putting her name up in lights in the New York Times as someone “with a large Russian following.”

Especially ironic because as you saw that I pointed out earlier, my suspicions about the DNCApp caused Anna, who had followed me since the Bernie days in mid-2015, to accuse me of spreading misinformation and block me on twitter. Now she herself is being paraded out in the public square as I am, accused of failing to hate Russia enough and allowing our tweets to be “amplified” by at least one account that Ms. Perlroth is just sure must have been Russian. Of course now the account has been suspended by twitter, so I guess we’ll just have to take Ms. Perlroth’s word for it.

But how can Ms. Perlroth be so sure? Let’s hear her tell it.

Well, poor Dan Wals, whose account has since been suspended, hadn’t mastered the English language, and he tweeted a lot. Usually late at night. He followed RT, Sputnik and Tass. Many of the accounts he followed posted in Russian.

Those are a lot of words to say Dan Wols was guilty of association. Guilty, possibly, of harboring Russian sympathies. Or, the most heinous possibility – Dan Wols was a Russian. Was he American born? Was he in the US at the time he was tweeting? Was he part of a vast Russian social media operation, or acting alone of his own accord? Ms. Perlroth doesn’t seem to know, and doesn’t seem to really care. It’s enough circumstantial evidence to write yet another article about how Russia is responsible for all our woes, and absolutely not the journalists that are still trying to make the case, FOUR YEARS after they used “Russian Interference” as subterfuge for Wikileaks revelations of a rigged primary and Hillary’s devastating loss to her #PiedPiper, that US democracy is so flimsy it can’t withstand a few retweets or Facebook ads if foreign actors might be involved. If the Iowa caucus app disaster can somehow be pinned on Russia, then those “journalists” won’t be forced to ask any awkward questions of Troy Price or Tom Perez, or NPR or CNBC. Tie it to Russia, sweep it under the rug, and move on to trying to get the senile old man elected.

Again, these aren’t “rumors,” this was the official PR line from the Iowa Chair’s own mouth, as printed by NPR & picked up all over the news circuit.

“The state party worked with the national party’s cybersecurity team, and with Harvard University’s Defending Digital Democracy project, but Price declined to answer directly whether any third party has investigated the app for vulnerabilities, as many cybersecurity experts recommend.” 

Nice choice of words, Ms. Perlroth, “Correct The Record.”

Of course you know that in 2016 it was David Brock’s Correct The Record that spent upwards of ten million dollars hiring paid speech trolls to attack American citizens online, which makes all of this bloviating about Dan Wols – an account with scarcely 1200 followers who may have been Russian and who happened to retweet someone who retweeted me, seem laughable on its face. Russia is alleged to have spent at most a couple hundred thousand dollars on Facebook ads in 2016. The Russia investigation has been steeped in scandal from the get, Mueller couldn’t testify to the veracity of his own report – in fact, it seemed as if Mueller hadn’t even read his own report, and Trump has been exonerated of collusion. What’s left of #Russiagate?

There is so little left of Russiagate, the New York Times has their “cybersecurity reporter” combing through the likes of an alleged Russian troll with 1200 followers.

Come a long way from “This is definitely going to take Trump down #PresidentPelosi #PutinsPuppet #Resist,” haven’t we?

Whether my tweets in any way influenced Eric Trump’s tweet that “they’re rigging this thing” isn’t evident, but wow, what a leap. “The son of the President of the United States of America even said this, which is a textbook example of Russians exploiting useful idiots to sow discord,” to paraphrase Clint Watts, a former FBI special agent and information warfare expert.

If I were Eric Trump, I might take offense at that. But since this is the NYT, let’s pull up the tweet and see it in context just to be sure he even said that at all.

Interesting that the date on Eric Trump’s tweet was February 3rd, the date that it became self-evident, as I had predicted it would, that the app was a disaster at best, and yet another shady tactic to manipulate the caucuses to produce an outcome favorable to the DNC’s interests at worst. One hardly had to be exposed to the #RobbyMookCaucusApp hashtag to draw the logical conclusion that something was dastardly amiss with the app deployed at the Iowa caucuses.

If it wasn’t your run-of-the-mill DNC rigging, what the hell was it that happened with the app developed by “Shadow Inc.” and vetted by …nobody, apparently? Are we really going to allow this mysterious front company to take the entire fall for what happened in Iowa?

Do we even know who *won the Iowa caucus beyond a doubt, to everybody’s satisfaction, yet? It’s the middle of June.

Oh right, the guy who just happened to invest $40K in Shadow Inc. *won, didn’t he? 😶

This reminds me of something, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.

Oh, right.

Poor Anna doesn’t even know what to believe anymore.

But then, she never really did.

She blocked me after this interaction:

At the time, I clearly hadn’t gotten the memo that we were supposed to forget everything that we learned in 2016 in order to ensure that Bernie Sanders could secure the nomination in 2016. If Anna ever unblocks me, I’ll ask her how that worked out.
“As for Ms. Goodell,” Nicole goes on, “she dismissed questions about her Iowa caucus posts and pushed her latest theories.” 🙄

Now you can see for yourself if you expand my entire DM history with Ms. Perlroth above, I gladly answered each of her questions at length and said “thank you ma’am may I have another,” offering to answer any other questions she might have.

When it seemed I had satisfied her Russian inquisition, I ventured, naively, to turn her attention to what I believed then, and emphatically believe now, is a much more pressing matter than whether a guy, who may have been Russian, may have retweeted something I said, five months ago, to his 1200 followers. Excited at the possibility of getting Adam’s research to the eyes of anyone who might be able to understand it, I asked her to review his articles and pass it along to anyone she might know who could analyze and verify or discredit his claims, please.

You see, Adam and I aren’t “pushing theories,” like some people. We’re looking at the science, watching our government and media stay the course to ensure as many people as possible succumb to this abomination virus, and gaping at each other in horror and disbelief every day. Since that isn’t particularly productive, we’ve been screaming it from the rooftops for about four months. And although I am generally a very private person and would usually shy away from the bright light Ms. Perlroth has invited herself, and now the world, to shine on us, I am willing to stand behind my words, and just for the purpose of getting the word out about these things during this time of extraordinary crisis. I welcome the scrutiny. Please, evaluate the information we have put forward. Tear it apart if you can. And if you can’t, maybe stop trying and try instead to help us get the word out before it is too late.

I just… Is Ms. Perlroth mocking me for believing that the clown bug and potential treatments and cures for said clown bug are more important matters than whether a possible Russian may have retweeted me a few times five months ago?

Is this real life? Is this what passes for real investigative journalism at the NYT? It would be funny if it wasn’t such an absolute travesty of justice, such a disservice to all America that it erodes the very foundation of our democracy. Journalism this reckless should be mocked off the internet. And from the general tone of the responses to Ms. Perlroth’s article on twitter, this process is well underway. I’m sure Ms. Perlroth lulls herself to sleep at night with soothing thoughts that all those unsavory comments laughing hysterically at the absurdity of her latest work are the malevolent murmurings of Russian agents bent on destabilizing the US, and I’ll wager she sleeps the sleep of angels content in that delusion, as the rest of us suffer the consequences of her willful disregard for the truth.

As I said in my initial (unsent) reply to Ms. Perlroth above, five minutes of due diligence on her part could have cleared up her confusion about ivermectin, the most promising COVID cure being used by doctors all over the world right now, but even with the first wave spiking in cities across this nation and the second wave looming like a tsunami in the distance, Ms. Perlroth would rather spread misinformation to her fifty thousand followers on Twitter, and both of the poor saps who still read the New York Times. I even tried to buy a hard copy locally – but nobody even seems to sell the NYT in this town. To be fair, I’m sure Ms. Perlroth is a very busy gal. Asking her to take a few moments away from her important research on which tweets Dan Wols favorited to investigate whether there might be something to this bioweapon and ivermectin stuff before accusing a US citizen of displaying a pattern of spreading misinformation was a bit optimistic, on my part. I see that now.

Really I just can’t get over these two paragraphs.

Ms. Perlroth is correct that the FDA issued a rare warning against taking ivermectin for animals. She fails to mention that ivermectin has also been used in humans since the 1970s and has been touted as a “wonder drug” for decades, eradicating everything from river blindness to Dengue fever in humans. It is commonly used to treat head lice in the US, and is widely used in tropical environments where parasites are more of a problem.

The FDA was so concerned about people self-medicating with animal ivermectin, they actually issued two warnings. In one of these warnings, titled FAQ: COVID-19 and Ivermectin Intended for Animals, the FDA clearly states that “Ivermectin tablets are approved for use in humans,” while warning against self-medicating to treat COVID symptoms. This is good advice. Talk to a doctor about treating your COVID symptoms with ivermectin. Unfortunately, if you are in the US, it seems you need to talk with a doctor in Broward County, Florida, or your doctor may refuse to prescribe it for COVID.

The other FDA issue on ivermectin comes in the form of a warning to stakeholders. FDA Letter to Stakeholders: Do Not Use Ivermectin Intended for Animals as Treatment for COVID-19 in Humans. Again, just reasserting that self-medicating with veterinary medication is a bad idea. Pretty common sense stuff.

But is it a failure of due diligence on Ms. Perlroth’s part that causes her to overlook such obvious details, or something more nefarious? We are in the middle of a deadly airborne plague, Ms. Perlroth encounters reports of a promising COVID cure, and her first inclination is to dismiss it as misinformation and muddy the waters by spreading actual disinformation, implying ivermectin is exclusively for animals and that the FDA warned everyone against being treated with ivermectin. The FDA didn’t say that. The FDA said people shouldn’t self-medicate with veterinary drugs. Duh.

Disingenuous reporting like this is exactly why no one trusts the media anymore. Even more dangerous than Twitter trolls with tens of followers amplifying tweets that expose the DNC, disingenuous reporting is causing millions of Americans to believe that the pandemic was some made up hoax concocted to deprive them of their rights. Disingenuous reporting is causing millions of Americans to forego the basic consideration of wearing a mask out in public, because they see “journalists” rip off their own masks as soon as the cameras stop rolling.

Disingenuous reporting has millions of Americans swearing right now that if there is another COVID wave (and there most certainly will be), that they’ll “be damned if they’re going to put up with another round of lockdown orders,” after watching the same reporters who told them they would be murdering their parents if they didn’t self-isolate are expounding on the virtues of thousands of people protesting in a pandemic the very next week. Disingenuous reporting, in short, will be responsible for the preventable deaths of millions of Americans. And if you dare to suggest that there might be a way to prevent the impending mass-death, disingenuous reporting will be there to slander you as a “Russia-friendly” nut & publish your personal details without even the courtesy of a notice beforehand.

Go to Broward County, Florida, where the health board has sanctioned the use of ivermectin to treat COVID. Talk with Dr. Jean-Jacques Rajter about the stunning recoveries of his COVID patients after he treated them with ivermectin. And then lobby your local health board to sanction this treatment, before the protests “journalists” like Ms. Perlroth have been promoting end in genocide.

But don’t, whatever you do, self-medicate with animal ivermectin. That stuff can kill you, according to the FDA.

And now, thanks to Ms. Perlroth’s hard-hitting expose here, I am being regularly attacked on twitter and being smeared as a “Russian troll,” and worse.

It’s like 2016 all over again. 🤦

I will be archiving all the love letters I receive in appreciation of the gift of investigative journalism that Ms. Perlroth has bestowed upon the world on another page, and I will link it here. Sure glad Nicole published my full name so that these patriots can look me up next time they’re in the neighborhood. I’m sure my children will be very grateful.


Chelsea Belle is "Cassandra," apparently. Truth & facts in the spirit of parody. My dot com was seized for discussing cures. Branded a "conspiracy mill" by NYT. Building one rn

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